Social activities for         busy professionals

Coffee in the park. Let's talk

  • 27 Apr 2024
  • 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
  • Shown to members only


Another FREE event for members.

Start the day off with coffee and conversations with new friends. We'll meet a designated picnic spot in the park. Have coffee, nosh and get to know each other. Simple.

Let's face it. We are all "busy'. Careers, family, relationships, ex's, paying the bills, etc.. Ever notice how good you feel after venting – to a friend, to a therapist, even a stranger who was willing to listen? But, sometimes it's hard to be brave like when we were kids and would pretty much talk to anyone. Get brave! Let's take advantage of the group setting and get together for regularly scheduled, "friends forum". We'll take an hour or two to disconnect from the world (and phones) and get to know each other.

Note: This event will be rotated in all three S. Florida counties. So look for the next one near you.

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